Happee Birthdae Harry!

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Happy Birthday Harry James Potter, and Happy Birthday JK Rowling!

I don’t know if I could ever say enough thank you’s in this lifetime to truly make up for any kind of justice.

For all I know a woman made a story about a bunch of odd balls who turned into heroes, and since then every face associated with that story has been home.

Enough has been said (and I’ve mentioned it before too) about how the story taught us about pain, suffering, friendship, love, betrayal, loyalty, family, politics, wars and much more. There are a few more view points of the story I still have to thank.

A story that made me realise that there is a Voldemort and Harry inside all of us, that they are two sides of the same coin. That coin is called trauma.

A story that made me realise that the dementors are nothing but our demons that we live with every day inside our own heads. Our patronuses are our will power, fuelled by the happy memories we chose to hold on to harder than the painful ones.

A story that taught me that hatred is not the opposite of love, just the absence of love. As is darkness the absence of light, and disease the absence of health.

A story that taught me that love and kindness wins the race. No matter how much you may disagree, there is always a kinder yet bad ass way to take your stand.

A story that taught me that ghosts have stories to tell, which can sometimes be helpful.

A story that nourished my childhood, fuelled my teens even though I tried hard running the other way, and helped my adult self heal my inner child, wrap her up in a warm hug and tell her she’s doing fine.

A story that taught me that our biggest weaknesses are our own insecurity and doubt, and sometimes we have to fight them with a sword ourselves. I know two brave boys who did.

A story that taught me that the wise thing is to never fear death, and instead greet it like an old friend!

A story that made me realise today, exactly how sad and traumatic that story was. And we all grew with it. I appreciate each and every face, and I mean EVERY face would be an understatement and I don’t know enough words in the dictionary to express my appreciation, for having lived through that for a decade or more of your lives. Because in that sadness was always hope, and that hope has saved my life more times than my fingers can count.

A story that amazes me every single time, and still shatters my heart every single time.

A story that gives me physical pain to see the Battle of Hogwarts.

A story that taught me nothing has to be perfect, it just has to be true.

I just wanted to say thank you, because I’ll never figure out how many of them will be enough anyway!

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